Tuesday, November 21, 2017


ISO 400, 24mm lens, aperture f/5.0, shutter speed 1/8 sec

This is my final portraiture choice. I've titled it Subliminal as a reference to the idea behind it which is that this is a double portrait of a person I know and a stranger - the subconscious - through the reflection in the mirror that gives the viewer a different angle to look at the subject.

Personally this was my favourite photo from the shoot because of multiple reasons such as:

📷 contrasting colours, temperatures and brightness
🔅 eeriness and confusion within the setting - the flower set-up, an untold story
📷 looking into portrayal of oblivion - peaking through the door
🔅 attention on the subject's face through the torch light
📷 the different expressions on his and his reflection's faces
🔅 barely noticeable - blurriness of movement of a flower by the mirror

The only few things I'm not very happy with are parts of the actual location, such as the visible thermostat and ventilation in the door, as well as the heaviness of the curtains. These are things I couldn't necessarily change as they were all within the location. Perhaps the other thing is the angle the subject is leaning in, however I had difficulty finding a way to shine the light on his face without it ruining the bond between him and his reflection.

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