Despite the very unusual and seemingly insensitive title, this short film tackles a dysfunctional family using non-standard documentary/experimental media techniques - it tries to get inside the late father's head by looking at his belongings and possessions, as well as conversations with the family.
The unique approach to stop-motion that seems to relate to the soundtrack is very enchanting, and the mixture of film sources used is both somewhat overwhelming and extremely intriguing.
I feel like this is an interesting approach to 'getting inside someone's head'.
However, I am looking for a less 'short film' kind of outcome and more of a visual representation of a journey through.
With that in mind, here are questions I'm trying to answer:
1. Who's head am I trying to get inside?
2. How do I do this? How do I draw a map of someone's head?
3. Why is this important? How can it impact/change the viewer?
4. What format is this going to be in?
(Currently am leaning towards an After Effects project with minimum sound (but still present).
However I should probably explore the idea of both visual and melodic journey.)
The style of this short experimental film is amazing and I'm at a loss of words to explain how it's been done. To me it represents a thin wall between two worlds where if you look from a certain angle you can actually see through that layer.
Here are some After Effects experiments I've done, such as smooth zoom and 360 footage turn. I've just done these to get more comfortable with using VFX.
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