Multiple weeks later, here we are. An open exhibition titled Milieu?, everyone's work displayed and our own re-touched and finalised.
As soon as the four of us got back from the break, I went out to reshoot some bits and bobs. I completely replaced the camera and poetry book shots, and exchanged the throw shot for a cushion. I'm happy I did as the camera shot proved to be some people's favourite.
Emily re-edited the footage to 20 seconds length which we felt was perfect, and once that was done I retouched the colours one more time before Kylan created the new soundscape.
Then it was time to struggle with the exports, staying in sync etc. In the end we lost the fight due to the fact that the TV monitors each had a separate media speed, thereby going out of sync before the video had even finished playing, thereby no matter how many loops we would export, the monitor would still finish playback a milisecond before the other ones.
At the same time Brodie and I focused on curation. We chose Chloe's suggested title because we felt that everyone's work was focused on political, surrounding and personal environments, and we as a year were questioning everyone's knowledge, interpretation and opinions. The three weeks passed in a blur. Brodie and I followed up on everyone's requirements, suggested ways of presentation, wrote a list of necessary equipment. Whilst Brodie counted up all the items, I made our first map of the Gallery layout:

Then it came down to helping everyone prepare. We painted plinths, moved the walls, tried to catch everyone to see where they were at with their work. We helped paint Mindi's table, move around some work, etc. Laura said that if the work wasn't up by Monday evening, it shouldn't be displayed, so we did our best to have everything ready. Brodie chased everyone up for their individual risk assessments, as well as did the Gallery one and I'm very thankful she did! In the meantime I focused on messaging people about getting their Artist Statements in, as I was designing a booklet on Illustrator.

Seeing everyone's work go up was the most rewarding feeling. Despite all the running around and some confusion, everything was mostly finished for the lighting on Tuesday. Brodie and I decided to be the ones opening up on Wednesday, but when we got there for 9:30, the Gallery had already been opened for Applicant Day. We turned on all the monitors and projectors whilst also making On/Off Instructions; powered Jasper's PC, turned on all the speakers and added headphone extensions to the first monitors to have the front of the Gallery looking as neat as possible.
My biggest disappointment was the misprint of my pamphlets - as they got copied, the direction of them got a little warped, so when I took them to the electric guillotine, some parts got cropped. Sadly the university printers wouldn't let me print the work out without borders, so they all ended up looking a little bit off (even with the borders left on!!)
BUT OVERALL, this was a great and rewarding experience and I'm glad I did it because everyone's work looks amazing!
Here's our final edit of A Brief History of Personal Objects, as shown in Milieu?